Coaching Testimonials

As a Life Coach I am humbled beyond words by the testimonials I receive from those I have the privilege to serve. I give God all the glory for the amazing outcomes these people have experienced. He has given me a gift to hear their hearts and their hurts and to use His wisdom to speak into their lives.

"I absolutely believe in the healing work that God does through Chaplain Laura! She is a woman who is kind but who tells it to you straight. She carries herself with authority and speaks to the heart of everyone – telling them what they need to hear. I can honestly say I am happy and that I feel the most free than I have for many, many years.” B.E.

"I am forever grateful God put Chaplain Laura in my life. She is my number 1 person I turn to in difficult times. I know above all else that she will always direct me in the way of Truth. No matter what the issue is, she has a unique ability to help me see a higher perspective. ” N.A.B.

“I had tried so many different methods of therapy (talk therapy, christian counseling, regular counseling, prayer, psychotherapy, et al) and while I made some progress here and there I never seemed to be able to get to the root of what was going on. Until I met Laura! This Jesus-centered coaching has been a game changer and it has given me a hope as I am getting to the deepest roots of what is going on in my heart.” S.A.

“This is my second round with Coach Laura and I couldn’t be more pleased with the results I am seeing again. She is truly gifted and most definitely Spirt led. Always starts each session with inviting the Holy Spirit to lead her and guide her. I can honestly say that I am making emotional progress and that means I am getting healthier and happier. To God be all the glory!!” A.A

"As a mental health therapist, I had insight about my emotions, I knew my triggers, and had identified unhealthy coping skills that I wanted to stop doing; but I was struggling to identify the root cause and formulate solutions. She is truly gifted and Holy Spirit led. I would highly recommend her for inner healing and spiritual enrichment.” J.D.

"My story is a funny one because I didn’t even believe in coaching…until I met Chaplain Laura. To put it briefly, I reached out to her to see if she would give me some spiritual counsel. She began to coach me and each week I felt a glimmer of healing and hope." A.R.

“Even though I may have looked “happy” on the outside i was miserable, disconnected, and withering away on the inside. The truth was I had no voice; I suppressed pain; I didn’t know how to work through problems. Through inner healing i am learning to find my voice and use it the way it was intended to be used. It’s not behavior modification. ” B.S.

“Since I have been under the care of Coach Laura I have experienced much progress. I’m gonna be honest…this is very hard work, but it’s well worth it. Laura never leaves you feeling alone to deal with your chaos. She is there constantly checking in, praying for you (which is really important). I HIGHLY recommend Coach Laura as a Life Coach.” A.B.A.

“I have to say that coaching with Laura has been the cornerstone of my recovery. Her brutally honest, but ever so gentle and loving revealing of my deep wounds, coupled with her passion for the love of Jesus, allowed me to finally begin to recover.” R.M.

"We did an inner healing course for 9 months, she is very knowledgeable and compassionate in this area. She was a tremendous help to me and this experience changed my life.” M.R.

“Working with Chaplain Laura was life changing for me. The healing that took place in my life is beyond what I can ever express. The trauma I endured in life left me feeling like God was for everyone but that He was against me. What a lie that was from the enemy. I have learned my identity in Christ. I am a warrior, a warrior for Christ. ” N.A.

“My marriage was on the brink of falling apart until our coaching sessions with Laura. Through one-on-one sessions she helped me deal with hard truths that I wasn’t even aware were so deep in the past. If you want change and healing, Laura has an anointing on her life for healing that’ll bring about amazing results. I’m truly thankful to the Lord for placing such a powerful woman of God in my life.” G.P.

“It is the most “hope filled” therapy I have ever encountered and experienced. It is a “sweet relief” realizing that I finally am learning the whys behind behaviors of mine. It is both an excavating and unearthing experience of past wounds sealed by the ultimate balm – the love and healing of Jesus. This is counseling that is always pointing me back to our ultimate Counselor.” S.A.

"The time I have spent with Laura has been such a blessing for me. It has allowed me to dig deep into my heart to find the root causes of my pain, my hurts, and how they have played a role in so many of my choices in life – choices that weren’t always the best for me.” C.E.

“ I cannot explain to you how in two to three short months there is such a difference that has taken place in my mind and behavior. I was able to finally see things from a different point of view. I was able to finally say things that I was always feeling but didn’t know how to say. ” J.G.

“Coaching has been very eye opening. This process has revealed to me a lot of why I do what I’ve done. I am so grateful for the care and compassion that I have received through this journey and my heart has felt safe. Thank you so much Laura for taking your time and being God’s hands and feet and guiding me through this!” E.A.

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Your experience can be showcased here!

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I’d be delighted to answer any of your questions as well as have a complimentary 30 minute conversation with you to see if coaching is right for you, and if so, how it could be personalized to you, your goals and your lifestyle.

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By design I am an experienced Personal Growth Coach with a Master’s level degree in Biblical Counseling. I am not a licensed psychologist, clinician, counselor, therapist, pastor or medical doctor.

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