If I had to describe what I am authentically about, I guess I have to say that it's in helping women flourish through the transformative love of God. I joyfully serve as a Personal Growth Coach to women of all walks of life: CEO's, Executive Directors, Physicians, Successful Entrepreneurs, Therapists, Ministry Leaders, Professors, Business Owners and VIP Household Executives (a.k.a. amazing Stay-at-Home women).
My experience of coaching and leading women to greater spiritual and emotional success is much broader than my years of coaching one-on-one. For eight years I served as Lead Chaplain and Chaplaincy Director at the Agape network in Miami, Florida. This exhilarating and yet sometimes exhausting role allowed me to work closely with hundreds of hurting women who were caught in the painful cycle of severe addiction, many of which were brought on by early childhood trauma. Through the sharing of the glorious gospel and the principles of God’s Kingdom, many women experienced freedom, both spiritually and emotionally! I’ve been honored, and humbled, to have been a featured speaker at many women’s conferences and weekend retreats. My love for God’s Word has positioned me to be considered a knowledgeable bible study teacher and I have served as a guest speaker at many churches. An honor indeed! On the creative side, I have had the joy of being a co-founder for two very successful women’s ministries. In my church life, I have served as an elder to its women, a grief counselor for many years in a bereavement ministry aptly named Beauty from Ashes, served as teacher in various parenting classes, and co-taught alongside many fine teachers. As an author, I love to tell stories that inspire greater hope and faith. Over the past 15 years I have written hundreds of newsletters and recently self-published two books, The Master Gardener and A Broken-Winged Eagle.
In my private life, I am joyfully married to Mr. Wonderful, aka Jim. Together we have a large family filled with awesome children and amazing grandchildren. I wholeheartedly value family and my many friendships because I recognize that it’s relationships that build a truly beautiful life.
My Unique Loves Are:
Writing and sharing stories that inspire people to adore God
Shiny, blingy chandeliers, the blingier the better!
Excellent, wholesome, yummy, and heart warming food!
Personalized Coaching
By design I am an experienced Personal Growth Coach with a Master’s level degree in Biblical Counseling. I am not a licensed psychologist, clinician, counselor, therapist, pastor or medical doctor.
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